As the effects of climate change wreak havoc in every aspect of our lives and can no longer be ignored, we have to find ways to combat this epidemic. Thankfully, this starts in your home! As much as you can argue that one household making an effort to be more environmentally friendly won’t make a difference, it will! And often these small lifestyle changes produce a domino effect amongst your community. Here are 5 ways to contribute to mission “there is no planet b,” and produce less of a carbon footprint on our home planet!

As the effects of climate change wreak havoc in every aspect of our lives and can no longer be ignored, we have to find ways to combat this epidemic. Thankfully, this starts in your home! As much as you can argue that one household making an effort to be more environmentally friendly won’t make a difference, it will! And often these small lifestyle changes produce a domino affect amongst your community. Here are 5 ways to contribute to mission “there is no planet b,” and produce less of a carbon footprint on our home planet!


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