When I first meet with someone looking to purchase a home, I always ask the same 3 questions:
1. What areas of town do you NOT want to live in,
2. What features are important in your home,
3. What is your budget. 

Whenever they tell me that they are not interested in the community of Riverdale, the reason is always the same – the morning rush hour. The TRAFFIC, oh goodness the TRAFFIC. Well, the City of Whitehorse seems to have heard the cries of the people, because starting on September 3rd, the City is running a 6 week pilot program for a dedicated bike lane on the North side of Lewes Blvd – the main artery into and out of Riverdale. Riverdale is the closest community to downtown, and is arguably the easiest community to commute from; even outside of the confines of a car. Besides personal vehicle and transit options, bikes and fat tire bikes can be ridden all year ‘round, and walking is a breeze with no hills to climb on your journey downtown. And with this new pilot project, there are several good options available to avoid the short morning rush coming out of Riverdale – at any time of year.

Results from this pilot project will determine if the city will install a permanent bus lane in the future to reduce congestion. So there you have it – perhaps the most common reason to avoid Riverdale soon won’t be a reason at all. 

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